part time nanny - Downtown / Brickell area
Miami, FL
Part Time
Student (College)
Part time nanny Downtown / Brickell area
We are looking for the perfect part time Nanny that can start working immediately, we need a child-focused individual who is willing to have fun, play, read, help with activities, firm enough to stablish or maintain routines and provide an attentive and safe care environment for kids, someone compromised, punctual and open to be part of this family of 3.
- 2+ year(s) childcare, babysitter or nanny experience, preferably including infant and toddler experience.
- Must have a reliable insured vehicle for travel to family homes.
- Minimum age of 18, valid driver’s license
- Hold a high school diploma/GED
When we need you?
- Days: Tuesday to Friday
- Hours: two shifts: Morning time: 8.30am to 9.30am, get her ready to school, walk her from home to school (using her stroller, 5 minutes walk), after dropping her off, come back and return the stroller.
- Evening time: 5pm to 8pm: Pick up the stroller at home and walk to the day care to pick her up, then bath time, dinner, light play
- Extra hours can be requested with anticipation.
About the family
- Number of children: 1
- Ages: 3yo
- toddler and preschool-age experience
- Sitter has own car.
- Creative play
- Heat Snacks/Meals
- Pick up after kids
- Help with girl's laundry
- Coral Gables, FL
- Hourly $15
- Heat/ Prepare snacks
- Naptime
- Bath time
- Creative play
- Pick up after kids
Benefits and Perks
- Great growth opportunities and resume builder
- Generous retention and referral bonus
- Competitive salary
- Knowing you’re making a positive impact each and every day!
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